19 Feb 2012


Dear spammers, You’ll be relieved to know that i am planning to get back to blogging more.  Thus you’ll have fresh tech posts where you can vainly attempt to post about Viagra and knockoff phones. PS, to human readers… I’ve been very busy with work and getting up to speed on web scraping, ruby, active record & SQLite3, Sinatra, and GIS. It’s an exciting time but a it mellows I’ll get back to blogging.

06 Oct 2011

More Adventures in Puppet

   Thursday, 2010-08-12. More adventures in Puppet: Fix this: err: /Stage[main]/Sudo/File[/etc/sudoers]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from source(s) puppet:///modules/sudo/files/etc/sudoers at /etc/puppet/modules/sudo/manifests/init.pp:11

By changing your file request (genuinely located at /etc/puppet/modules/sudo/files/etc/sudoers) from:

class sudo {
        package { sudo:
        ensure => present,
        file { "/etc/sudoers":
                owner => "root",
                group => "root",
                mode => 0440,
                source => "puppet:///modules/sudo/files/etc/sudoers",
                require => Package["sudo"],
To this:

``` bash
class sudo {
        package { sudo:
        ensure => present,
        file { "/etc/sudoers":
                owner => "root",
                group => "root",
                mode => 0440,
                source => "puppet:///modules/sudo/etc/sudoers",
                require => Package["sudo"],

This is using Puppet 2.6.2

05 Oct 2011

Uggh - "Puppet hostname doesnt match server certificate"

Wow, this one stumped me for the better part of 12 hrs… So Puppet (the Ruby Gem) uses SSL certificates to authenticate to the Puppet Master.  I kept receiving the warning listed in the title of this post no matter how I altered my configs. Here’s the short version: Determine what Fully Qualified Domain Name is being used by the PuppetMaster to created the signing cert.  On my virtual platform this ended up being the hostname Add that hostname/FQDN and it’s IP address to your PuppetClient’s /etc/hosts like so: 173.999.999.999    hostname Now start up the PuppetMaster Server with the following command # puppetmasterd --verbose --no-daemonize Now invoke the puppet client like so: puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose --server=HostnameOfServer Finally, now that we know it’s working well edit the /etc/puppet/puppet.conf on Puppet Client so that you have a server entry in the [main] section: [main] server=HostnameOfServer Tada!   Source of partial answer: Puppet hostname doesnt match server certificate - Server Fault.

25 Sep 2011

Launchy + Search Everything = Win

When operating on a Windows operating system I miss using GNU/Linux’s Locate … so I replace it with a combination of Launchy and Search Everything. Search Everything indexes the names of all the files on your hard drive.  Launchy is a quick “Commandline Style” program launcher. After installing both programs, right click on the Search Everything Start Menu entry and modify the Properties.  Replace the target properties with “C:Program Files (x86)EverythingEverything.exe” -search " Now, right bring up the Launchy window and rebuild the catalog. Once Search Everything has a chance to index the contents of the hard drive, you can bring up Launchy type Search {Tab} STRINGTOSEARCHFOR. This will bring up the Search Everything window using your search term!

23 Sep 2011

OpenEMR Virtual Appliance

Noticed this today when checking my Google Analytics…. seems Civet blog is showing up from people searching for OpenEMR info. There’s a nice project available for anyone who would like to try out the OpenEMR system.  One of the project team members keeps an up to date virtual appliance ready to run in VMWare (or presumably imported and used in VirtualBox also). Nice way to try things out before implementing your own installation. Note: for security reasons it isn’t advisable to run the virtual appliance as a true deployment.  It’s easy to safely and securely deploy this via my previous blog post that describes the simple steps for installation in Debian/Ubuntu. Source link : http://www.bradymd.com/appliance/downloads.shtml

16 Sep 2011

Backticking command combo - Or how to not have to type long names

So, your instructions say to edit config.xml while setting up a program in Ubuntu/Debian Linux. You realize you don’t have a clue where it’s at… sudo apt-get install locate && sudo updatedb Then once it indexes your files, type a quick locate config.xml to find it. At this point you realize it’s buried in many sub folders of subfolders, but you need to edit it with your favorite editor (vim, nano, emacs..) If it’s the only result from the locate command, type vim locate config.xml``.  This uses command interpolation to substitute the answer of the locate request :). There should be a snappy way also to chop the results (if more than one appears)…but I’m out of time!

16 Sep 2011

Tip for lost config lines by Mr. Grep

When editing multiple config files in complex installs it’s easy to lose track of where each parameter exists. Solution? Recursive grep with -n function ie grep -rn help\_me\_param . -n = line number and file name printed on left column of results -r = recursive -rn = win

14 Sep 2011

Brute Forcing scripts, IDS, and open phpinfo() page...

phpinfo(). Trying to brute force servers is dumb… especially while leaving your phpinfo() online. Wouldn’t have gotten into these systems using those defaults but I still sleep safer at night with an active response IDS. /wave @ probably compromised box.

09 Sep 2011

OpenEMR 4.0 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation - Oemr

OpenEMR 4.0 Ubuntu-Debian Package Installation - Oemr.   OpenEMR looks like a nice way to limit physician costs as re-imbursements shrink. Hearing lead Physician on the project, it’s good stuff.  By far the most techie talk I’ve attended #OhioLinuxFest Very easy install, dpkg -i openXXXXX.deb Followed by an apt-get -f install to clean up a missing dependency. < 2 min from starting wget to finishing install & logging onto http://localhost/openemr.

08 Sep 2011

GoogleAnalytics and TikiWiki

Sat down this morning to integrate Google Analytics into a couple TikiWiki CMS based sites. ;Went down easily for the WPress based ones… Tikis took a little (very little) research. Here’s the trick, as found on TikiWiki’s documentation. (The option of including it in the Javascript field or in standard location worked well in TikiWiki 7.0.) Their first option of including it within literal tags and using the GoogleAnalytics Plugin didn’t work on my older TikiWiki (~6.1). ;Used the second answer and it worked perfectly. ;Place the following code in the Look & Feel tab under “Custom End of Code”:

<scripttype="text/javascript"\> ; ;var ;_gaq ;= ;_gaq ;|| ;[]; ; ;_gaq.push(['_setAccount', ;'UA-XXXXXXXX-1']); ; ;_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); ; ;(function() ;{ ;  ; ;var ;ga ;= ;document.createElement('script'); ;ga.type ;='text/javascript'; ;ga.async ;= ;true; ;  ; ;ga.src ;= ;('https:' ;== ;document.location.protocol ;?'https://ssl' ;: ;'http://www') ;+ ;'.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; ;  ; ;var ;s ;= ;document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, ;s); ; ;})();\</script\>{/literal}{else}{literal}\<script ;type="text/javascript"\> ; ;var ;_gaq ;= ;_gaq ;|| ;[]; ; ;_gaq.push(['_setAccount', ;'UA-XXXXXXXX-1']); ; ;_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); ; ;_gaq.push(['_setVar', ;'ga_exclude']); ; ; ;(function() ;{ ;  ; ;var ;ga ;= ;document.createElement('script'); ;ga.type ;='text/javascript'; ;ga.async ;= ;true; ;  ; ;ga.src ;= ;('https:' ;== ;document.location.protocol ;?'https://ssl' ;: ;'http://www') ;+ ;'.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; ;  ; ;var ;s ;= ;document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, ;s); ; ;})();\</script\>

Thanks for the clear documentation doc.tiki.org ;and give the CMS a try. It’s a nicely integrated CMS w/ wiki, blog, forums, etc. Source: ;PluginGoogleAnalytics | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.